Pop CulturePop Culture

Stan Accounts, Stanley Tucci, and Star Updates

The award-winning actor takes to Instagram to cook and express his love/hate relationship with Peppa Pig
Photo by CBS via Getty Images

While celebrities are out and about, we have all the details thanks to stan accounts such as @ArmasUpdates ... even if they are getting blocked (1:45). Then, Juliet and Amanda discuss Stanley Tucci as he takes to Instagram to cook and express his love/hate relationship with Peppa Pig (12:15). Then we give all the updates on the stars that are catching our attention, such as Paul Mescal, Matt Damon, and Jake Gyllenhaal. All of that and more!

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Juliet Litman is head of production and host of the podcasts ‘Bachelor Party,’ ‘Jam Session’ (found on Ringer Dish), and ‘Food News’ (found on Ringer Food).

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