Uncertainty Over the Coronavirus, NL Over/Unders, and Bold Predictions

Plus, Kram makes four long-shot predictions that he thinks have a chance to play out in the National League this year
Photo by Rich Schultz/Getty Images

We briefly discuss the evolving situation surrounding the coronavirus as it pertains to Major League Baseball (0:45) before previewing the upcoming season by analyzing whether teams will finish over or under their projected win totals (11:55). We finish with Zach Kram making four long-shot predictions that he thinks have a chance to play out in the National League this year (38:16).

This podcast was recorded on Wednesday at noon PT.

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Zach writes about basketball, baseball, and assorted pop culture topics.
Ben is a writer, podcaster, and editor who covers culture and sports. He hosts ‘Effectively Wild’ at FanGraphs and previously wrote for FiveThirtyEight and Grantland, served as editor-in-chief of Baseball Prospectus, and authored ‘The MVP Machine’ and ‘The Only Rule Is It Has to Work.’

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