The Dave Chang Show

Pizza in the Morning, Pizza at Night | My Opinion Is Fact

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About the episode

With another new MDM show out on Hulu, Pizzana chef and 'Best in Dough' judge Daniele Uditi weighs in on great pizza, bizarro pizza, and pizza that should probably be called something else entirely. Then Dave, Chris, and Noelle dive into their own 'Best in Dough'-inspired pizza reveries. Plus, working in kitchens vs. working in TV, Manhattan cyclist Dave Chang, breakfast pizza, matzoh pizza, the wellspring of pizza authority, when a game becomes your life, dipping some bread in the Sunday gravy, the Neapolitan formula, sushi on pizza, baked-bean pizza, Daniele’s inner Super Mario, why fermented dough is like a 5-year-old child, Anthony Mangieri, NYC water, and the Proustian pizza Dave still dreams of.

'Best in Dough' is out now on Hulu.

Hosts: Dave Chang and Chris Ying

Guests: Daniele Uditi and Noelle Cornelio

Producer: Sasha Ashall

Additional Production: Jordan Bass and Lala Rasor

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