The Dave Chang Show

Mall Food, the Chef Who Changed the Game, and Getting Better As You Get Older

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About the episode

A week by the seaside has Dave finding inspiration at both Wetzel’s Pretzels and Nobu Malibu, and thinking about all the shapes the second half of a creative career can take. He catches Chris up on his misadventures, and contemplates Robuchon potatoes, the Santa Monica promenade, hot dogs on tasting menus, spirulina boosts, stroller dogs, vampire rules, knockoff mercenaries, fried rock shrimp, what some restaurants can get away with, the Nobu Goodbye, Peruvian sushi, storing your knife rolls, LCD Soundsystem, and attempting the impossible.

Hosts: Dave Chang and Chris Ying

Producer: Sasha Ashall

Additional Production: Jordan Bass and Lala Rasor

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