Off The Pike with Brian Barrett

Hopkins Hype! Plus, Top Players From the Red Sox–Yankees Rivalry With John Jastremski.

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About the episode

Brian discusses the news that Bradley Beale may be on the move and whether he could make sense on the Celtics, before turning to DeAndre Hopkins’s visit to Foxboro this week and the chances of him signing with the Pats (0:30). Then, he chats with The Ringer’s John Jastremski about the top five most notable Red Sox and Yankees, as well as the top five moments from the rivalry (26:30). Brian then answers some mailbag questions, and ends with a Metric Man breakdown of Garrett Whitlock’s start on Wednesday night (52:20).

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Host: Brian Barrett

Guest: John Jastremski

Producer: Jamie McClellan

Additional Production Supervision: Steve Ceruti

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