Trial by Content

‘House of the Dragon’ Episode 9 Discussion and Thoughts

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About the episode

This week, Dave, Neil, and Joanna discuss ‘House of the Dragon’ Episode 9, “The Green Council.” They start by talking through their overall thoughts on the episode (2:11). Then, they answer some listener questions about the episode and some of the changes from the book (15:40). Later, they discuss this week’s poll: Which Westerosi child would you bet on to win in the fighting pit? (54:06) Finally, they head into The Storm, where they discuss—in book-spoiling detail—what's to come in the final episode of the season and what could be saved for next season. Plus, they do some dragon math (1:10:47).

Be sure to vote in this week’s poll! Which Westerosi child would you bet on to win in the fighting pit? You can vote for the winner at, on The Ringer’s Twitter feed, and in the Spotify app, where you'll find ‘Trial by Content.’ The winner will be announced next week! Also, send your ‘House of the Dragon’ questions to

Hosts: Dave Gonzales, Joanna Robinson, and Neil Miller

Associate Producer: Carlos Chiriboga

Additional Production Supervision: Arjuna Ramgopal

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