Larry Wilmore: Black on the Air
Mark Whitaker on ‘Saying It Loud: 1966—The Year Black Power Challenged the Civil Rights Movement’
About the episode
Larry is joined by author, journalist, and media executive Mark Whitaker to discuss his newest book, 'Saying It Loud: 1966—The Year Black Power Challenged the Civil Rights Movement'. They begin their conversation by talking about why Mark decided to write the book and break down the social and political events that led up to this turbulent year. They then get into the key figures and organizations involved during this time period, notably the SNCC, Stokely Carmichael, John Lewis, and Sammy Younge Jr., whose tragic and publicized death at the beginning of 1966 helped spark a consciousness movement that ultimately led to the beginning of the Black Panthers (9:14). Next they dissect the meaning of the term "Black Power" and how the established press distorted its original messaging to foment division within the movement's participants (24:06). After the break they get into the distraction caused by the '60s anti-war movement and middle-class feelings towards Black Power (35:08). They end the pod by drawing comparisons between the Black Power era and BLM, and comment on the current lack of leaders like Malcolm X that would be equipped to legitimize and take the modern progressive movement into the future (51:54).
Host: Larry Wilmore
Guest: Mark Whitaker
Associate Producer: Chris Sutton
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