Last Song Standing

Crowning Kendrick Lamar’s Best Song Ever | LAST SONG STANDING (E7)

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About the episode

Season finale! The moment is here. The LSS Boyz have been debating Kendrick Lamar's discography for six contentious episodes. Now it's time Cole and Charles are forced to crown the last song standing: the greatest Kendrick Lamar song of all time.

First, Cole and Charles will be forced to whittle down their list of songs from 8 to 3. These 3 songs advance to the royal rumble, where they will attempt to knock songs off each other's list until there is just one remaining.

LAST SONG STANDING is a new show from Dissect and The Ringer. Each season focuses on one artist in attempt to determine their greatest song of all time by debating through their ENTIRE catalog.

Hosts: Cole Cuchna & Charles Holmes

Producer: Justin Sayles

Audio Production: Kevin Pooler

Theme Music: Devon Renaldo

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